Create a task in Zoho Projects directly from Zoho Mail

Create a task in Zoho Projects directly from Zoho Mail

To streamline project management and enhance productivity by enabling users to seamlessly create tasks directly from Zoho Mail into Zoho Projects, ensuring effective task tracking and reducing the risk of missing important actions or deadlines from email communication

Prerequisite: Integration of Zoho Projects with Zoho Mail.
1.Go to Zoho Mail, and you will see the Projects icon on the left side

2. The task page will open, where you can add a task to a specified project or create a new project within Zoho Mail.

3. Click on the Add button to add a task.
4.The task page will open. You have to mention the task name, task owner, start date, and end date. Add the required details in the task.

5. This is a Zoho Project, and the task was created from Zoho Mail.