Create a custom connection for payroll in zoho people

Create a custom connection for payroll in zoho people

Registering Client in API console to get client ID and client secret 

1) Go to or based upon the
 domain in which your zoho account is registered.

2) Click on Add Client
3) Under Server-based Applications, click on create Now

4) Enter the following Details
Client Name: Zoho People
Homepage URL:
Authorized Redirect URIs: or  

5) Click on Create. You'll get the Client ID and Client Secret  

Creating Custom Connections in Zoho People 

1) In Zoho People Connections page, go to My Connections -> Create Connection and  
under Custom Services Tab, select Create New Service  

2) Enter the following details, and click Create Service 
Service Name: Zoho payroll 
Service Link Name: zohopayroll 
Authentication Type: OAuth2 
Parameter Type: Header 
Grant Type: Authorization Code  

Client ID: Copy & past the value we got in the previous setup 
Client Secret: Copy & past the value we got in the previous setup 

Scope: ZohoPayroll.fullaccess.all 
Scope Display Name:   Payroll Access 

3) Enter the Connection Name,connection link name, select Scopes and finally click on  
Create And Connect  

4) We'll be redirected and asked for access confirmation, and on proceeding further  
connection will be created.